About the Study

Memory disorders such as Alzheimer’s and other dementias are typically associated with advanced age, but dementia can occur in people as young as 65. This type of dementia is called early onset dementia (EOD), and there are no clear answers about what causes it. Symptoms of EOD can often be incorrectly attributed to stress or misdiagnosed. Researchers want to know more. The BEYONDD Study is the first study aiming to make EOD research more diverse and inclusive. BEYONDD researchers are looking to discover new ways to identify signs of memory and thinking decline, and you can help.
Am I Eligible?
Volunteer in research to help make new discoveries for Early Onset Dementia!
Who we’re looking for:
- People between the ages of 40 and 64 with memory and thinking concerns
- Latinx/Hispanic / Black/African American / Asian/Asian American / Pacific Islander adults
Through the dedication and participation of volunteers like you, the BEYONDD Study has the potential to significantly improve our understanding of this challenging disease.
Benefits of Participating
Study volunteers will work with world-renowned scientists and gain insights into their own health. Volunteers will have access to their blood work, clinical laboratory tests, one-on-one sessions with a physician, and feedback from the neuropsychology team. Best of all, these resources are provided at no cost.